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Thousands of schools and trusts want to fully utilise their MIS e.g. Integris, Arbor & SIMS for entering assessment data. helloData adds further value to this rich MIS information by helping schools to visually analyse and unlock insights to improve their pupil's outcomes.

Data entry using your MIS
helloData can provide a choice of ready-made data entry marksheets or work with you to construct something unique for your needs within the MIS (or use the markbooks you already have).

Power BI analytics
Interactive and insightful PowerBI reports for schools and trusts, direct from your MIS.

Time and cost effective
Saving you hours of time in number crunching, and considerable money on purchasing alternative solutions. All with the added bonus that you can fully utilise the MIS you already have.
Impactful data, improving outcomes
one-click insights
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