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Who we are...

Experts in supporting schools, assessment tracking & technology

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helloData was born out of the frustration shared by teachers and senior school leaders. Not having the tools within their school management information (MIS) system to analyse and report on assessment tracking data forced them to spend considerable money on additional assessment packages. As a team we realised that we could pull together our years of experience in working in the education and technology sectors to provide a solution to enable schools to continue utilising the MIS for entering the data and have cutting edge data analytics. 


With the ever-changing assessment landscape, tightening budgets and time constraints on school staff, our core aims are to provide a solution that is flexible to suit individual schools and trusts, quick to setup, cost effective, intuitive to use and provide insightful data analytics.


The Team


Kim Marczak


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As an ex primary school teacher, I am passionate about providing schools with the knowledge, skills, confidence and technology to effectively record and analyse assessment tracking data, with the ultimate aim to improve pupil outcomes. As a freelance consultant for over 20 years, I specialise in providing consultancy, design and training on assessment tracking products and those within the MIS. I also have experience as a Governor and currently as a data specialist on the board of trustees for a multi academy trust. I am also working as a contractor for RM Integris as their assessment and analytics product manager.

Angus Fookes_edited_edited.jpg

Angus Fookes


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As a professional dashboard developer I have been working with data, visuals and story telling for many years. I work with many companies and not-for-profits helping them understand their data and improve their organisation's effectiveness. helloData is the biggest and most complex project I work on and over the past five years has provided many challenging issues to overcome. Once I have downed tools for the day, I get to relax at home with my family and Billie, our Labrador dog.


Tom L


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Software at its best cuts through manual, repetitive labour and allows people to get straight to the "value" part of their jobs. Reporting is sometimes overlooked, but when used well can help to drive up data quality and deliver meaningful insights. I'm driven to create valuable software, so Hello Data is a perfect platform for me to be a part of.


I've been writing software for well over 20 years now; B2C and B2B, online and offline. Over that time I've built a mixture of public-facing websites and internal business applications, often involving integration between multiple systems. These days I'm mostly using various parts of the .NET stack with Microsoft SQL Server at the heart.


Turn IT On


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helloData partners with Turn It On to provide full telephone, email and remote support.  Turn It On provide MIS support to more than 300 schools and have many years of hands-on experience working with schools and trusts.  We have a very strong and established partnership having worked together for many years.  In addition to the support, we also deliver joint training and network meeting sessions. Tom Welch, the TIO Managing Director is also a director of helloData.

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