Whole School Analysis
presented in easy to use format
The traditional method of writing data reports for governors and Trustees was to provide reems of data tables and charts with a narrative underneath. Whilst this level of detail is needed for a school to assess outcomes in detail, there has been a marked change on the requirements for those that are monitoring and supporting the school leadership. The most common request is for whole school (and Trust) summaries, presented on one page.
This is one of helloData’s primary aims, to visualise key assessment data as succinctly as possible.
Whole School Attainment & Progress
These dashboards are where the helloData journey began; it came from many schools wanting the ability to view all year groups on one page, features include:
Core subject summary Y1 to Y6
Foundation subjects report for the whole school
Individual pupil data on the same screen
On track for Reading, Writing and Maths combined
Disadvantaged, SEN and Ethnicity summary dashboards
Expected progress report
helloData also provides additional whole school/Trust summaries including:
Whole School Contextual Data
Whole School Attendance Summary
Analytics for Trusts