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Cohort Analysis

to show attainment over time

cohort analysis.png

Monitoring attainment over time for one cohort can be incredibly useful for spotting patterns across the years, and evidencing the impact of where school improvements or interventions were applied.  However, producing this kind of analysis can be time consuming and tricky to do, given the large amount of data involved.


helloData provides a dashboard which summarises the percentages of pupils that achieved expected or above each year and within the current year. 

Attainment and Progress on one page 

Whilst this report is based on the attainment achieved, it has the advantage of demonstrating the progress as well because it displays previous years’ data.  This makes it excellent for pupil progress meetings. 


View the report to suit your requirements 

As with many of the other reports there are a variety of options for viewing and filtering the data: 

  • Quick search for one pupil 

  • Click on a chart to filter the pupil list 

  • Change the view to a table of percentages, count of students and even view the pupil names 

  • Use the pupil group filters to drill into the data 

  • Filter by class or admission group 

  • Quickly export tables to Excel 

Want to know more?

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